Friday 4 May 2007


When does art stop being expressionism and become graffiti? The word graffiti simply means words or drawings scratched or scribbled on a wall, so why do so many people think of it as vandalism? True that a lot of what people think of ‘graffiti’ consists of swearing and some idiot’s opinion spray-painted onto a wall, but we must also keep in mind that this is more likely vandalism, graffiti refers to a much wider term. Usually two completely different things, the expressionism of some people can get out-of-hand.
Take the Human rights activists in Cuba that has been sentenced to 12 years in prison for writing anti-government graffiti on the walls of a public building in the capital Havana. So what is this? Graffiti? Expressionism? Or vandalism?

Here’s an interesting site looking at this whole argument, it also documents graffiti related convictions and crimes-
A site on some of the more famous works of graffiti found across England, recognize any?-
Interested in a Graffiti related field trip? -

Bad Comedians

Bad Comedians are the best type! That’s my opinion anyway. Personally I can’t stand the new breed of politically correct comedian, too paranoid of insulting anyone to come out with any decent jokes. As mentioned in an earlier post Billy Connelly is definitely my favourite comedian, never afraid to say what he thinks of a subject, yet with a sense he knows and has often experienced what he is making fun of, usually himself. Same rule applies for films, since I am writing an essay on it in the background while writing this blog I feel I must mention ‘Dogma’ by Kevin Smith. Throughout this whole film Kevin uses political and religious satire to mock our stereotypical view of religion.
Watch the entire film here-
Billy Connelly rocks -

Wednesday 2 May 2007


I don’t see why people make sure a big deal of lying, we all do it to some degree everyday. Hell, some people make a career out of it (Not mentioning any certain MP’s and World leaders) and do pretty well overall. Sometimes its just plain the right thing to do, take bluffing during a poker game, sure it’s a type of lying but its necessary! I guess its really just up to each individual, sure big lies can ruin lives, create misery and just all-round upset people, but they can also be a power for tremendous good and keeping us out of trouble =P. want to tell if someone’s lying? some funny lies said by celebrities and interesting opinions on the subject.

Monday 30 April 2007

Reply to Julie M. Mills 'Swearing'

Julie M. Mills 'Swearing'
I do agree with you Abigail about profanity however, just sometimes, I think when used on an occassion it shows how angry someone is. For an individual who normally does not swear, without someone throwing a tantrum, one isolated 'bad' word displays actually how strongly someone feels about a topic or situation. When every other word is an expletive, the English language loses it's power. It's all about self control isn't it and the thought or action of 'Being Bad' or not?

My Reply:
I think swearing can be quite useful, even comical in the right context. It really depends on when and how it is used, too much and the sentence loses its meaning, too little and you may not make yourself clear. I swear when its appropriate, usually for the use of humour. Take the comedian Billy Connolly, I think he’s hilarious and the incessant swearing just adds to this, however when you hear someone throwing a tantrum, swearing as much as Billy, its just plain annoying. Just depends on timing and suitability.

Saturday 14 April 2007

Reply to Jonathan Bentley- Bad is the new black ‘Fag Run’

Fag Run
We could go on a fag run, I personally don't smoke but I do see the benefits to bulk buying. I suppose whilst we are there we could also buy a few crates of beer just to test how bad people can get when drunk and smoking. I really haven't got the foggiest of where to go or what to do so I'll be a sheep and follow others. Baaa.Smoking has never really bothered me to be fair I've grew up around smokers and a smokey home but don't smoke myself and neither do my brother or sister. Quite a lot of my friends don't smoke either the odd one smokes socially, so to speak but other than that nothing.
Posted by Rincewind at 18:27

Reply to Jonathan Bentley- Bad is the new black ‘Fag Run’
Love the idea of going on a booze cruise! Sounds like a great way to finance the module and my tuition fees if every semester we just pop over the channel and bring back a few dozen crates of beer and cigarettes.
As for smoking I feel the exact same, having grown up around smokers it doesn’t bother me in the least. If a person decides to smoke that’s their choice, long as they don’t pressure others into it I am fine with them.
Now to find a way to smuggle all that through customs…

Thursday 12 April 2007

Being too religious

Starting the lecture with a prayer was certainly a good way of grabbing the attention of the audience, whether they approved of it or not. The prayer itself was also very specific, excluding all faiths but Christianity and mentioning men being the ‘knowledge seekers’ it made many people feel uncomfortable, segregated even annoyed. The reason for this soon became apparent as George explained the main topic behind the lecture was to test peoples reactions to religion and see if there was a point in which a person became ‘too religious’. The lecture itself turned out to be highly interesting, looking into various sections of religion including cults and the overall role of the church.

Saturday 10 March 2007


When does a mere interest in a person roll over to stalking? During our lecture we watched a clip from 'Peep Show' wherein stalking is used to humorous effect, however it does bring up the question of how far people will go to find out information on another person. The clip shows the main characters continued attempts to hack into the email account of the woman he is interested in. Personal accounts such as email are meant to be private and i believe the fact that the character is attempting to hack into it, shows a total lack of respect for this person. This, coupled with the constant spying the main character engages in, shows how an interest can quickly turn into an obsession and stalking.

Wednesday 7 March 2007

Field Trip

Having put a bit more thought into possible field trips i realized a interesting look into 'being bad' would come from a trip to the World War II concentration camp Auschwitz. I understand a trip to Poland may be a bit far, but i can’t think of a better example of truly 'being bad' than the examples given to us from World War II. The atrocities that happened there would be a great insight into the psychology behind these behaviors and what can motivate a person into committing such crimes.

Thursday 1 March 2007

Infidelity lecture

After listening to the majority view on infidelity during this weeks lecture, it seems most people treat it with an absolute disgust. Not having experienced this in any way myself, i am still able to look on it with an open mind. Surely, there must be some instances in which it can be seen as morally justified? The example given to us of how a mother, having not had sex with her husband for 10 years due to his depression, sought fulfillment through use of a dating agency. While at first sight this seemed simply a case of selfishness and putting her pleasure before the sake of her family, in fact if we look closer she was doing this for the sake of her family. She mentioned how although she does feel bad for going behind her families back, without this service she would, by now have left her husband and children. This shows us just once instance where infidelity can be used to hold a family together, rather than tear it apart. However there is no doubting the amount of pain caused to individuals through affairs, a pain which i hope many of us will never have to encounter.

Sunday 18 February 2007

Reply to Richards87 Smoking: My View

Original post: 13 February 2007 Smoking: My View

Until you have been affected by the perils of smoking, do you really know it is all about?My uncle is currently recieving treatment for stomach cancer caused by smoking. It is such a rare cancer that at this point they don't know how much they can do to save him. I have seen a strong, healthy 51 year old, have the life drawn out of him. He stopped smoking 15 years ago, but the damage was done. He used to play cricket every week, now he struggles to climb the stairs. At 51, he doesn't know how long he has left, leaving a family destroyed. I have sympathy for that generation. They didn't really know the perils that smoking brings with it. People who choose to start smoking now however need their heads looking at. You may as well burn your money, it is certainly safer. I can't see one advantage to smoking, can you?

My Reply:
Hey Greg Since I need to reply to a blog in order to pass this module I picked yours (hah you know how useless I am with other peoples names) You raise a good argument against smoking and obviously your first-hand experiences have greatly influenced your views. I luckily have not experienced such horrific effects and therefore my views are still very open. Not many close to me has suffered any Ill effects of smoking (yet) but like us, all are fully aware of the effects smoking has. Their choice to smoke was voluntary and I don’t judge them based on it but I, myself doubt I shall ever smoke. The physical and mental effects (let alone financial) it has on a person quite frankly scare me, not to mention the asthma attack my sister had after soon after been pressured into trying her first. I could ramble on but in conclusion I would not judge someone based simply on their choice to smoke, nor am I particularly bothered by people who smoke around me. I have never however respected anyone who would try to force their opinion on me or sway it either way, my decision not to smoke was a conscious one that may or may not change as my life dictates.

Saturday 17 February 2007

Being Bad sesson 1

Looking back on the notes from session one makes me think what sort of people im working with, what with confessions such as "Slept with boyfriend’s dad." and "Ejaculated into a housemate’s bottle of olive oil." though i think i know who "Touch own breasts a lot while drunk." belongs to. Anyway i cant complain, though im not gonna post it up here (so stop searching) we all have secrets, good and bad and how we choose to judge someone based on such confessions is each persons perogative. We can never be sure we truly know someone and im sure we have all seen different sides to someone we thought we knew pretty well, whatever we may think each person is a individual.
Im looking forward to the next few weeks, when we look into the various reasons a person may do such things, having briefly touched on the subject through psychology in high school. I jumped at the chance to learn more about this subject through 'Being Bad' and so far the module has been highly interesting... and who can complain about watching family guy in lecture!

Thursday 15 February 2007

First blog

Just finished making my blog at home, after following the instructions under the Group folder> Weblog entries. Well explained step-by-step guide there, very handy for people such as myself who could'nt make it to the weblog seminar. As for my first blog entry im supposed to come up with ideas for a field trip right?
Well youve got me there, i cant think of anything at the moment but will straight after this be looking at other suggestions and commenting on them.
Hope to hear from others soon.

Peace n love

Mark Preston