Saturday 14 April 2007

Reply to Jonathan Bentley- Bad is the new black ‘Fag Run’

Fag Run
We could go on a fag run, I personally don't smoke but I do see the benefits to bulk buying. I suppose whilst we are there we could also buy a few crates of beer just to test how bad people can get when drunk and smoking. I really haven't got the foggiest of where to go or what to do so I'll be a sheep and follow others. Baaa.Smoking has never really bothered me to be fair I've grew up around smokers and a smokey home but don't smoke myself and neither do my brother or sister. Quite a lot of my friends don't smoke either the odd one smokes socially, so to speak but other than that nothing.
Posted by Rincewind at 18:27

Reply to Jonathan Bentley- Bad is the new black ‘Fag Run’
Love the idea of going on a booze cruise! Sounds like a great way to finance the module and my tuition fees if every semester we just pop over the channel and bring back a few dozen crates of beer and cigarettes.
As for smoking I feel the exact same, having grown up around smokers it doesn’t bother me in the least. If a person decides to smoke that’s their choice, long as they don’t pressure others into it I am fine with them.
Now to find a way to smuggle all that through customs…

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