Wednesday 2 May 2007


I don’t see why people make sure a big deal of lying, we all do it to some degree everyday. Hell, some people make a career out of it (Not mentioning any certain MP’s and World leaders) and do pretty well overall. Sometimes its just plain the right thing to do, take bluffing during a poker game, sure it’s a type of lying but its necessary! I guess its really just up to each individual, sure big lies can ruin lives, create misery and just all-round upset people, but they can also be a power for tremendous good and keeping us out of trouble =P. want to tell if someone’s lying? some funny lies said by celebrities and interesting opinions on the subject.

1 comment:

Richards 87 said...

Little white lies are ok I suppose Mark, but lies only spiral out of control. You don't know who you have told things and who you haven't and after a while it just becomes a joke.

The answer: be honest ;)